Locate Us:
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We are in the heart of Airways Crossing at 5255 McCall Way NE.
New: Get accurate driving directions courtesy of Google.
Our GPS Coordinates:
- Latitude: 51.099861 (51 degress, 5 minutes, 59.5 seconds NORTH)
- Longitude: -114.003492 (114 degrees, 0 minutes, 12.571 seconds WEST)
By Automobile:
- If you are coming here from the west, use Deerfoot Trail,
- Proceed to exit 261 (261A) and proceed eastbound on McKnight Boulevard.
- Turn left at the second traffic light (19 Ave, McCall Way). Key businesses at this corner: Best Western,
Tim Horton's, the aviation museum.
- Proceed straight at the next traffic light and follow the road.
- We are the next left turn after the SAIT sign (McCall Landing NE). If you pass a business called "SICK" (SICK Sensor Intelligence) or
reach a traffic circle, you've gone too far.
- If you come from the east via Stoney Trail, 52 St NE, or 36 St NE.
- Turn westbound on McKnight Boulevard. The exit number off of Stoney Trail is Exit 78.
- Turn right at Barlow Trail. It is the first traffic light after the Metis Trail interchange. Key locations just before this corner:
Holiday Inn, Discount Car and Truck, Sandman Inn, Princess Auto.
- Proceed to the traffic circle. Key location here: Silverwing Links golf course on right.
- Turn left at the traffic circle. Be sure to enter this traffic circle in the left lane.
- Watch for us on the right after leaving the traffic circle (it is your second right). If you pass "Trans Canada Turbines",
you have gone too far.
- If you come from the northeast stretch of Barlow Trail between 17th Ave SE and the airport:
- Stay straight going north until you reach the first traffic circle you see. Key location here: Silverwing Links golf course.
- Turn left at the traffic circle. Be sure to enter this traffic circle in the left lane.
- Watch for us on the right after leaving the traffic circle (it is your second right). If you pass "Trans Canada Turbines",
you have gone too far.
By Transit
- Use the "Plan My Trip" at Calgary Transit. Set your destination as
5255 McCall Way Northeast (depending on your browser you may get an auto complete).
- We are served by Calgary Transit route 57. This route can be caught at:
- Whitehorn LRT Station
- Whitehorn, Temple, Monterrey Park.
- West Jet campus.
- Best Western Port O Call Inn.
- This route connects to MAX Orange at Temple Crossing at 52nd Street and Whitehorn Drive
- All CT buses are now low floor.
- If you are using the transit website to plan:
- For the trip here (north), use stop ID 9481 for your arrival point (NB McCall Way at McCall Landing NE).
- For the trip home (south), use stop ID 9482 for your departure point (SB McCall Way at McCall Landing NE).
- Our center is on the west side of McCall Way just north of these stops.
Via Taxi, Limo, Charter
- Arriving: Ask your cab or limousine driver for 5255 McCall Way Northeast.
- Departing: Ask dispatch to send the driver to 5255 McCall Way Northeast.
- Consider an advanced booking for your cab or limo for both directions.
Via Uber
- Start with the Uber Fare Estimator.
- Entering "Bowling Depot" as the pickup or destination point will automatically fill this point for you.
- Follow all guidelines on your smart phone app or web page to arrange your trip here.